Edina Healthcare – thinking differently to support sustainable diagnostic services

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CQC-registered services

No set-up


Helping you achieve waiting time targets through a high quality and standardised approach, without unwarranted variation

The NHS England document, Diagnostics: Recovery And Renewal, confirms the need for “radical investment and reform of diagnostic services” - recognised when the NHS Long Term Plan was published in 2019. Edina Healthcare successfully bid for inclusion in multiple NHS Frameworks and we exist to support hospitals and general practices to take the “additional actions needed to deliver safe, high-quality diagnostic services”, in relation to echocardiogram testing. We provide a responsive service to help you achieve national and local waiting time targets and work with you to deliver a high-quality service that has a standardised approach without unwarranted variation.

Here to support the reform of diagnostic services

We believe a new business model of providing and managing cardiology diagnostic services within hospitals and general practices may support the longer term sustainability of the current contractor arrangements. We have found many units within NHS trusts are looking to transfer responsibility for outsourcing echocardiograms, Holter ECG, event Monitoring, 12 Lead ECG and Sleep Studies, and Edina Healthcare answers the growing demand for remodelled services and improved workforce planning.

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How Edina Healthcare can support your service

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Hospital diagnostic services


Holter ECG

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Sleep analysis

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12-Lead ECG

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ECG at home

Clear your backlog and get in front of the six-week diagnostic wait

The six-week diagnostic wait was initially introduced as a ‘milestone’ in March 2008 to support the achievement of the 18-week referral-to-treatment target. However, diagnostic waiting times are now part of the NHS constitution. This gives patients the legal right to have a diagnostic test within six weeks of the request being sent. The NHS Operating Framework 2012/13 introduced a further expectation that less than 1% of patients should wait six weeks or longer for a diagnostic test. The impact of this can be seen clearly, as from February 2012 to November 2013 the proportion stayed at around 1%. However, since then the 1% target has not been met.

It is now also clear that during the Covid-19 pandemic, waiting times for diagnostic tests have increased substantially. This is partly due to hospital capacity for diagnostic testing being reduced to manage the pandemic and partly because patients have been reluctant to attend the NHS throughout that period.

This backlog is going to need to be addressed and resolved to return the NHS to pre-pandemic levels of capacity and ensure patients receive a timely diagnosis.

We’re here to relieve that pressure by delivering high-quality services that fit alongside your team and protocols.

Edina Healthcare has been approved for service delivery under NHS frameworks

Edina Healthcare – founded to support ECG interpretation

Edina Healthcare was founded to ensure that general practices, hospitals and other healthcare providers across the UK have remote access to expert ECG interpretation – 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. In primary care, we know many GPs do not see enough ECGs in their practices to interpret the hundreds of possible variations with confidence. As a result, many refer their patients to secondary care for 12 lead ECGs and/or 24 Holter ECGs. Edina Healthcare offers an alternative, more cost-effective solution.

  • No set-up fees
  • NHS Framework approved
  • Your protocols adhered to
  • All equipment and staffing provided if required

We’ll equip you with everything you need

We can provide our customers with everything they need to carry out 12 lead ECGs and 24, 48 and 72 hour ECGs in-house, before they upload the data for transmission for ECG interpretation to our Monitoring Centre.

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Our clinical governance

Working with general practices, hospitals and other services providers across the country, the team at Edina Healthcare has a wealth of experience in ECG interpretation with the highest standards of clinical governance. Edina Healthcare is registered with CQC to for diagnostic and screening procedures along with treatment of disease, disorder or injury.

Our delivery team:

Staff who perform the ECG interpretation are all UK practising cardiac technicians, and cardiac physiologists with extensive cardiological clinical experience in cardiac physiology. They are selected for their outstanding ‘clinical’ ECG interpretation skills.

Our cardiology consultants:

The consultant cardiologists’ board sets extremely high standards of clinical governance with regular refresher courses, rigorous annual examinations, reviews, audits etc. (details available on application).

No set-up costs for any of our services

We understand the budgetary pressures you are up against, which is why we never charge set-up costs for any of our services. To make this as accessible for you as possible, we operate a pay-as-you-go model and can partner with any hospital or community service provider to develop a new way to deliver cardiology diagnostics. Edina Healthcare becomes part of your team and sits alongside your existing services.

We make commissioning our services simple with a one-package price which includes:

  • Equipment
  • Software
  • Training
  • Consumerables
  • Annual Calibrations
  • Cleaning/interpretation and reporting of data
  • Teams of fully qualified staff
  • Ongoing expert support

We provide everything you need to deliver safe, high-quality services, enabling you to clear backlogs and meet the referral-to-treatment time targets.

Comprehensive management and protection of patient data

Edina Healthcare takes information governance and data protection very seriously. All personal data that we store, process or transfer is protected by many systems which are designed to keep data safe and secure. Our clinical, business and IT processes are risk assessed to ensure they are resilient and fit for purpose. We complete an NHS Digital Data, Security and Protection Toolkit annually and have appointed a Senior Information Risk Owner, a Caldicott Guardian and a Data Protection Officer in line with GDPR requirements. We have also developed business continuity arrangements that are regularly tested and optimised if required.

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Keep cardiac patient visits to a minimum with fast, accurate and cost-effective diagnostic support.

1  Schedule a call – Tell us your challenges and we’ll help identify the solution.

2  Get the support you need - We'll work in harmony with your team, system and processes to reduce your workload and relieve the pressure, seamlessly.

3  Regain control with a cardiology service you can be proud of - Start transforming your cardiology diagnostics into resilient and sustainable services where your staff are not over-burdened and patients receive a timely diagnosis.

Reducing your waiting list doesn’t have to feel beyond possible

Your backlog doesn’t have to feel unconquerable. Work with Edina Healthcare for a high-quality service from a professional team who will work to your protocols. Schedule a call today.

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